Friday, March 26, 2010

Rolling At The River Bunco Tournament A Huge Success!

We had a wonderful time on March 18, 2010 for our Rolling At The River Bunco Tournament. We raised $2001.00 for The River ministry for women.
One of our Bunco tables- the Swag Bags contained the Bucco Soundtrack and River information.
We had a great time decorating The River- black and pink for Bunco!
Rolling at The River!
Even more players!
We used every bit of space for the bunco tables we could find- even fitting 2 tables in the play area.
More Bunco players!
Several tables playing Bunco- We had 6 teams of 12 playing- 72 total!
Some of the good food we had- spring rolls, spanikopia, cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, wrapped asparagus, and assorted cookies and brownies. Thanks Marsha Grindstaff for all of your hard work!!!
Our wonderful bartender- Jennifer Jacobs
Our Mock-Tails were: Safe Sex on The Beach, Fuzzless Navels, and Mock Champagne
We had great prize bags for the Most Buncos, Least Buncos, Most Wins, and Last Bunco. Thanks to Heavenly Ham, DayLight Donuts, Pals, Jane's Lunch Box, Cranberries, Target, Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks, WalMart, and the Johnson City Country Club for the great donations!
To all the women who helped and played-

The River Ministry Training Day: March 24, 2010 at The Summit Leadership Foundation

Mischele Hart and Marsha Grindstaff conducting a brainstorming session about The River.
The theme for the day was "Ministrying at The River: You are Called." After the welcome and prayer time, Pastor Louis Imsande started the morning off with "Ministers: Not Volunteers" and shared scripture from 1 Peter: 2:9 "But you are not like that, for you have been chosen by God himself- you are priests of the King, you are holy and pure, you are God's very own- all this so that you may show to others how God called you out of the darkness into his womderful light." (Life Application). This was followed by "Better Understanding The Women We Serve" by River Director Stacy Larsen, "What is Your Calling?" by Annie Banaszak, River Staff and a brainstorming session "What More Can We Do?" lead by Mischele Hart and Marsha Grindstaff. We had 22 ministers in attendance and enjoyed a wonderful time of renewal, understanding, and fellowship. Thanks to The Summit Leadership Foundation for allowing us to use their facility.
Ministers of The River
Front Row (seated from left to right): Stacy Larsen, Annie Banaszak, Ann Mooneyhan, Joan Swingle, and Betsy Beaver
Middle Row (left to right): Melissa Hopkins, Marsha Grindstaff, Sue Lockmiller, Mary Small, Jean Soergel, Dot Ballew, and Amy Sentell
Back Row (left to right): Gisele Linder, Jessica Gasteiger, Virginia Bradley, Debbie Imsande, Mischele Hart, Betty DeVault, and Vickie McGowan

Funny Event of the Day: We had 4 leftover lunches from The FireHouse and we auctioned them off for a grand total of $65.00 for The River! Thanks for the great idea Ann!